domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Enjoying a good film

Look at the types of films below and match them to the pictures.

a romance - a science fiction film - a comedy -  a fantasy film - a musical - a drama an action film

1) ________________________________________

2) _________________________________________

3) _________________________________________

4) _______________________________________

5) ________________________________________

6) ____________________________________


8) ______________________________________ 

These people have described the type of films they like the most.  Match the descriptions to the types.

Liz: "I like films which make me laugh".
Jo: "I like serious films with good dialogues".
Mark: "I like films in which strange and frightening things happen".
Ed: "I like love films".
Sarah: "I like films set in the future".
Mick: "I like films about magical, imaginary worlds".
Jim: "I like films with lots of singing and dancing".
Kate: "I like films with lots of adventure and excitement".

Men films / Women films

Do you think men and women enjoy films differently? Look at the things people usually look for in a film. Decide which ones are men's and women's choice.  Complete the table below

action - a good story - attractive men -  excitement - fighting - attractive women - dialogue - emotion - excitement - love - relashionships - speed

Now, listen to Janet Shaw talking about women's films on a radio programme.  Were your guessings right?

Listen again and answer these questions.

  1. What do women's films focus on?
  2. Why are the films Thelma and Louise and  Alien mentioned?
  3. What does Dr Shaw say about actors Nicolas Cage, Hugh Grant, and Mel Gibson?
  4. Do women watch only women's films?
  5. Which kind of films does Dr Shwa prefer?


Read the reviews below.

Answer the following questions about the reading.
  • Which film are these reviews about? If you are not sure, find information in this website
  • Do you agree with any of the reviews?Why? Write a journal entry with this information.
  • Do you think the writers are male or female?

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