domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

An ordinary day...

Is your day like one of your classmates' day? Do the following activities and find out.

1.- Write the name of the activity that relates to the picture.  Use an online dictionary if you are not sure about the spelling. Here is a suggestion
Example: have breakfast

2.- On your notebook (or copybook) write down one 'wh' question for each activity.  Make sure you use, at least, three different question words. Choose from the ones below, or add any others you like.


Example: What time do you have breakfast?

1) ____________________________________________________________?
2) ____________________________________________________________?
3) ____________________________________________________________?
4) ____________________________________________________________?
5) ____________________________________________________________?
6) ____________________________________________________________?

3.- Answer the questions with your information, and then ask them to one of your classmates. Complete the chart with the information you get.


Using the information in the chart, write two paragraphs. One paragraph about yourself and the other about your classmate.

For your journal
How important is for you having a routine? Write your ideas in your journal.

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